Wave motion examples and types of waves
The waves
The wave motion is an example of the periodic motion. the wave is a disturbance that propagates and transfers the energy in the direction of the propagation, You notice that the concentric circles propagate on the water surface, When you threw a stone in the water. This motion represents the wave motion.
The wave motion
The wave motion is the motion produced as a result of the vibration of the medium particles at a certain moment, and in a definite direction, The line of the wave propagation is the direction through which the wave propagates.
In the wave motion, The medium particles do not move from their positions, but they vibrate only, and the wave propagates carrying the energy in the same direction of its propagation.
The types of waves
The waves are classified according to the direction of the vibration of the medium particles relative to the direction of the propagation into the transverse waves and the longitudinal waves.
The waves are classified according to the ability to propagate and transfer the energy into the mechanical waves, and the electromagnetic waves.
The subsequent direction of the motion of individual particles of the medium is the same as the direction of vibration of the source of the disturbance.
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