Sound velocity, Nature and properties of sound waves
The sound
The sound is an external factor that affects the ear causing the sense of hearing. and it is produced due to the vibration of the bodies and it stops when the vibrating bodies stop their vibration.
The nature of the sound waves
The sound waves propagate through media as spheres. |
The sound waves are mechanical longitudinal waves that need a medium to propagate, They propagate through media as the spheres whose centre is the source of the sound, and they consist of the compressions and the rarefactions.
The sound waves consist of the compressions and the rarefactions. |
You notice that we hear the sound from all the directions that surround the sound source because the sound travels through the air as pulses of the compressions and the rarefactions whose centre is the sound source.
The sound velocity
The sound velocity is the distance that is covered by the sound waves in one second, and the sound waves propagate through the different media with different velocities.
The sound travels through the air at a velocity of 340 m/s, and it depends on the temperature of the air, the air pressure, and the humidity in the air.
The sound velocity through the solids is larger than that through the liquids, and the velocity through the liquids is larger than that through the gases.
The sound waves are mechanical longitudinal waves. |
The properties of the sound waves
The sounds may be pleasant to our ears such as the music, and they may be the source of the fear such as the sound of the strong winds and the thunder.
The source of the disturbance and the irritation such as the horns and the loudspeakers, The sounds can be classified into two groups which are the musical tones and the noise.
The noise |
The musical tones are the tones of uniform frequency, and comfortable to be heard, Examples: The violin, The piano, and the reed pipe.
The noise is the sound of the non-uniform frequency, and uncomfortable to be heard, Examples: The drill, The loudspeakers, and the horn of the cars.
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