The Mark 1 Robot is a humanoid robot created by Ricky Ma, a Hong Kong-based designer and robot enthusiast. It gained attention for its striking resemblance to a Hollywood celebrity, showcasing impressive realism for...
The Chloe Robot, often associated with retail automation or food service robots, is designed to handle specific tasks such as inventory management, customer service, or food preparation. The Chloe Robot’s flexibility allows businesses to...
The Harmony 20 by RealDoll is a high-end robotic companion from Abyss Creations, known for its lifelike appearance and advanced AI integration. Harmony 20 is a sophisticated companion that combines cutting-edge AI with a...
Sphero robots are programmable robotic spheres designed for educational, entertainment, and research purposes. They are widely used in schools and STEM programs to teach coding, robotics, and problem-solving skills.