Eiliks can interact with each other, playing games and having conversations, adding a unique element to their appeal. They receive regular updates through Wi-Fi, expanding their vocabulary, learning new tricks, and evolving. Their small...
LiFi, short for Light Fidelity, is a revolutionary technology that transmits data using visible light instead of radio waves like traditional Wi-Fi. Imagine your everyday LED bulbs doubling as internet hotspots, beaming information at...
AIBI Pocket GPT can be used to teach children about a variety of topics, from basic coding to complex concepts like artificial intelligence. AIBI Pocket GPT doesn’t need to be fed, walked, or cleaned...
Saul is the UV disinfection robot, This cool bot, developed by Xenex Disinfection Systems, uses powerful UV light to zap germs on surfaces. It’s a superhero in hospitals and other healthcare facilities, battling nasty...