Microsoft .Net Framework applications , advantages and disadvantages
.Net framework is the programming infrastructure for building , deploying and running the applications , Microsoft has created this network , It is compatible with any requests and services using .NET technology including desktop applications and web services .
Microsoft .NET Framework consists of three major components which are Common Language Run-time , Framework Class Library and ASP.NET , .Net technology makes programming easy and faster and it is widely used across the globe .
Advantages of .Net
.Net framework allows the use of multiple languages , .NET has horizontal scalability , It creates a unified environment which allows the developers to create the programs in C++, Java or Virtual Basic , It Interfaces easily with Windows or Microsoft .
All tools and IDEs have been pre-tested and they are easily available in the Microsoft Developer Network , UI best practices are more consistent , The language integration is seamless because you can call methods from C# to VB.NET.
With Microsoft .NET Framework , the quantity of codes used in large web applications can be reduced , As Windows conformation and configuration can obtain at each step of development , The web applications developed in ASP.NET will be secured .
When you develop using .NET Framework , It offers WYSIWYG OR What You See Is What You Get , Drag and Drop of automatic operations are possible , It offers server and blueprints .
The development is very secure in ASP.NET framework as HTML and source codes will be separated automatically , .Net platform is the server sided technology hence .NET Framework code will be performed on the server before getting directed to the web server , ASP.NET platform is multi-language compatible .
.NET framework works on object-oriented programming , It helps to eliminate the amount of unnecessary codes and it involves less coding for the developers , The developers enjoy working on this platform as it increases their productivity .
Microsoft .NET framework is the best platform to develop fully functioning websites with the exclusive user experience and it provides the best performance , The interactive websites tends to attract more customers to the site , increasing their chance of being a potential buyer .
.NET framework provides the base class library which supports innovative web development , It enables to fulfill varied functions like graphic rendering and file reading etc , .NET has all the resources to provide websites with different functionality and manage it smoothly at the same time.
Microsoft .NET Framework is the newest technology from MS for app development , It supports fully managed which means that it is easier to write code that doesn’t have lots of memory leaks , It offers consistent programming model and it offers simplified development efforts .
.Net Framework offers direct support for security , It enables the developer and the system administrator to specify method level security , .Net Framework simplifies debugging with support for Run-time diagnostics .
Net Framework offers easy application deployment and maintenance , It makes easy to deploy the applications , .Net handles the details of locating and it loads the components .
.Net Framework assemblies , Assembly is the elementary unit in the framework application , It performs many functions in programming , Every computer that has Microsoft .Net Framework installed with have the Global Assembly Cache .
Applications of .Net Framework
The developers can use .NET to design the applications for specific business functions such as finance , CRM , supply management etc , It can be used to re-design the applications to serve growing needs of an organization .
Microsoft .NET Framework provides the platforms , the tools & the programming environment for addressing the design , the overall management of distributed and multi-tiered applications .
.NET provides individual and business users with a seamlessly interoperable and Web-enabled interface for the applications and computing devices , It allows the entire range of computing devices to work together .
Microsoft .NET provides customized access and delivery of the products and services to the user from a single starting point for managing various applications , such as e-mail , Ready access to the information and multi-user , multi-device synchronization , It helps integrate various communications media , such as e-mail , fax and phones .
There is less time to produce the product , It is less complexity , It is easily to access complex O.S functions , It is easily to build Data Oriented Project , It supports huge DB functions , It supports Both Windows and Web Application and it is easy to create Dynamic sites .
Disadvantages of .Net Framework
.Net offers limited object-relational (OR) support as it comes with Entity Framework only , It does not come with multi platform support from Microsoft , and it is not available right after installing Visual Studio , Managed code can be slower than native code .
.Net framework involves a vendor lock-in , Future development is solely dependent on Microsoft , Migrating applications to .NET can be expensive , The applications running in managed environments may require more system resources compared to the applications that access machine resources more directly .
The time consumption may be more in some cases due to regularly occurring of garbage collection for reclaiming the memory , The framework may not be pre-installed in the older versions of Windows , So , It should be checked first and if not , you should follow the guidelines in the user manual , The newer versions of frameworks are not at all pre-installed in any version of Windows .
.Net framework is very easy to reverse , If you do not obfuscate your code , you may as well publish the source code , The footprint of your application can be very big if it requires a version of .Net that is not already on the computer and therefore it has to be installed first .
It is not suitable for High End Application , It offers low performance compare to C, C++, It offers unavailability of build in methods , .NET framework is free to download but Code Editor is costly and there are only few O.S supports .NET.